My Crazy bestest Mithran friend Allyie started a blog and challanged me to as well so here it is.
On reaching Vanadiel on the cold Winter afternoon of Friday 23rd I found myself not where i had left myself. Someone or something had mysteriously teleported me to Whitegate. What was the purpose for this? And who was behind it.
Really it was Jimma a.k.a James, my bf irl moving my character to send a sword of sorts. Allyie aka Ryan aka my crazy mithran friend, Jimma aka James and Senseireborn aka Shawn were fighting their hearts out in campaign. Their mission EXP! For james its all about the levelling, striving to be top dog in our dynamis shell. And when i say dog i mean the loyal fiend who will defend the group from attacks, dying many times in their stead! What an honorable hubby i am choosing, Shawn on the other hand having reached the top of the levelling tree is trying to perfect his craft with Merits same as me. Enfeebling 8/8 is the goal did he do it..... stay tuned. And Ryan, was meriting monk. His objective enough points on kick to cap it so he can Kick Your Ass....5% more often! Yay him!
I decided campaign was not for me today. Albeit fun having orcs and demons and gnoles......omg don't get me started on those buggers flying at you from all angles the exp is a lil slow for my liking. So i headed towards my merit party. I managed to get a little bit of merit while Shawn James and Ryan battled it out in Campaign. Then RL interrupted in the form of dinner time.
On my return to Vana'diel I heard rumours of a group of adventurers wanting to take on Bahamut, The Wyrm King himself. I quickly signed up and found out Ryan was in as well. Awesome nothing like killing mythical creatures with your bestest crazy friend! We arrived in the battle field a 9 man alliance ready to take on the beast. He went down Hard and fast (the two
best ways)
After killing the beast Ryan and I decided to celebrate by doing merits together. I was only 2 Merit points away from fully capping my Enfeebling Magic once and for all! I wasn't going to let a little thing like time of night get the better of me. So at 01.53 i did it! Enfeebling Skill 8/8 YAY
Then I had to go to bed because i had to be up at 6.30am. What a day guys, what a day!